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All you need to know about the new UKCA & UKNI marks

UKCA and UKNI Marks Explained

The EU CE mark is being phased out starting from January 2021 and being replaced by the UKCA/UKNI mark for Great Britain and Northern Ireland respectively.

You need to use a conformity marking if you are placing certain goods on the market to show they meet the relevant rules.

The UKCA (UK Conformity Assessed) marking which will be used for goods being placed on the market in Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland) covers most goods which have previously needed the CE marking.

In Northern Ireland, EU conformity markings will continue to be used to show goods meet the necessary EU rules after 1st January 2021. For the majority of manufactured goods, this will continue to be the CE mark with some exceptions for specific products. 

You will only be required to use UKNI marking if you are using a UK body to carry out mandatory third-party conformity assessments.

A simple way to look at it is that anything that is being put to market in the UK will need a UKCA mark with the exception of Northern Ireland which will need a UKNI mark.

If you are selling into multiple markets including the EU then you will need both CE and UKCA marks or CE and UKNI marks for Northern Ireland.

If you are selling into Northern Ireland the CE mark will still be applicable.

When are these changes coming into force?

UKCA and UKNI markings are being introduced at the end of the European Union exit transition period which will be the 1st January 2021.

The UK government has released an update providing guidance for the UKCA/UKNI markings. The information released so far states that there will be a transition period for acceptance of CE markings until 1st January 2022 (with an exception being medical devices which need to be changed by July 2023) to give companies time to transfer over to the new markings.

All new manufactured stock will need the new mark on it from 1st January 2021 however, this does not apply to existing stock. For example, if your goods are fully manufactured and ready to place on the market before the 1st January 2021. In this instance, you would then still be able to sell your goods in Great Britain with a CE marking even if your covered by a certificate of conformity issued by a UK body. This option will cease by 1st January 2022.

How CILS can help you

We have over 30 years of experience in the labelling industry and have manufactured our fair share of labels that needed the CE mark put on them. Our team of label specialists are up-to-date with the latest UKCA/UKNI regulations and will be able to advise you as to what mark is the correct one to use for your requirement.

We are offering free artwork label re-design to customers who wish to update their labels to ensure they are compliant with the latest rules once the UK leaves the EU.

If you would like to re-design your existing label artwork, place an order for new labels or have any further questions then speak to our labelling specialists now and they will be happy to help.

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