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UL Follow-up Services explained - impact on labelling

In order to stay compliant with your certification, UL will conduct mandatory on-site inspections during the year where they will check that the quality of your products are in line with the certification that you've received from them.

There two types of 'follow-up services':

  1. 'R' type: Primarily intended for electrical appliances, components and other products;
  2. 'L' type: Primarily intended for life safety products and products where the manufacturing process is susceptible to higher degrees of variability

UL will tell you which follow-up service you are signed up to, but the approval processes that form part of these services can be quite complex to understand, which is why we have created this video which briefly summarises what each service involves.

More detailed videos are available for the 'R' Type and the 'L' Type follow-up services, along with a flowchart detailing the approval and ordering process for each.

If you need any help with your UL labelling requirements we are happy to help. Get in touch by email, phone or fill in a form.

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